Self-Sufficiency Standard
The Center for Women’s Welfare Self-Sufficiency Standard defines the income working families need to meet a minimum yet adequate level, taking into account family composition, ages of children, and geographic differences in costs. The Standard is an affordability and living wage economic security measure that provides an alternative to the official poverty measure.
Self-Sufficiency Standard for Montgomery County, Maryland
September 2023 | Sarah Brolliar, Annie Kucklick and Lisa Manzer
Overlooked and Undercounted: Marylanders Struggling to Make Ends Meet in 2021
April 2023 | Annie Kucklick and Lisa Manzer
The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Maryland 2023
March 2023 | Annie Kucklick, Lisa Manzer, & Alyssa Mast
The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Maryland 2016
December 2016 | Diana Pearce
The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Maryland 2012
February 2012 | Diana Pearce
The Self-Sufficiency Standard Methodology for Maryland 2007
November 2007 | Diana Pearce
The Self-Sufficiency Standard Work Supports for Maryland 2007
November 2007 | Diana Pearce
The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Maryland 2001
December 2001 | Diana Pearce

@ActionMaryland | | Annapolis, MD
Maryland Association of Community Action Agencies serve individuals and families with low incomes who reside in Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia to ensure their voices are heard at the local, state and national levels. Read more.
MCAP has used the Standard to develop a calculator that can evaluate program effectiveness, inform policy, and help clients of workforce training programs achieve self-sufficiency.
The Standard previously partnered with Advocates for Children and Youth which worked to improve the lives and experiences of Maryland’s children through policy change and program improvement.
How to cite
All Self-Sufficiency Standard data that has been produced by the Center for Women’s Welfare is publicly available. When using the data, please credit the Self-Sufficiency Standard at the Center for Women’s Welfare, University of Washington.
Contact with any questions regarding methodology or appropriate citation.
The Standard in Use - Maryland
Maryland Food Systems Map Uses the Standard
Maryland Food System Map Uses the Standard The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future uses the Self-Sufficiency Standard as demographic data in their Maryland Food
Furthering Research on Refugee Resettlement in Maryland
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The State of Basic Needs in Central Maryland
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The Self-Sufficiency Standard in Maryland
The Self-Sufficiency Standard in Maryland In Maryland, Advocates for Children and Youth used the Self-Sufficiency Standard in their Maryland Can Do Better for Children campaign,