The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development uses 125% of the Self-Sufficiency Standard to determine income eligibility for WIOA-funded training. The Standard allows them to focus limited training funds on individuals with high levels of need.
PathWays PA developed The Pennsylvania Online Training and Benefits Eligibility Tool, an interactive career-counseling tool, to help counselors and clients test the extent to which various wages can meet a family’s self-sufficiency needs, as well as what potential training programs at their current wage.
Under its Workforce Investment Act, the Chicago Workforce Investment Board adopted the Self-Sufficiency Standard as its self-sufficiency benchmark.
The Denver County Office of Economic Development, Division of Workforce Development used the Self-Sufficiency Standard and the Colorado Economic Self-Sufficiency Standard Calculator to inform participants about their career choices.
Virginia Kids developed the Self-Sufficiency Standard for Virginia-Budget Worksheet Exercise as a counseling tool to educate kids about self-sufficiency.
In Berks County, PA, the Berks County Workforce Investment Board used the Self-Sufficiency Standard during workshops to help prepare people on how much they will need to earn to meet their basic needs
The Washington State Snohomish County Workforce Development Council developed a self-sufficiency matrix that can be used in case management or as a self-assessment tool, a measurement tool, and a communication tool.
Unlocking the Doors to Higher Education and Training for Massachusetts’ Working Poor Families to advocate for tuition-free community college education and other ways to address financial barriers to education in Massachusetts, citing the need for post-secondary education and training in order to acquire Self-Sufficiency Wage jobs.
The Colorado Center on Law and Policy successfully lobbied the Eastern Regional Workforce Board in Fort Morgan, Colorado to adopt the Self-Sufficiency Standard as the eligibility measure for training and intensive services.
Following the release of the Crittenton Women’s Union, now known as EMPath, Economic Mobility Pathways, 2005 report, Achieving Success in the New Economy: Which Jobs Help Women Reach Economic Self Sufficiency, EMPath established an online Hot Jobs for Women guide.