Multnomah County Preschool for All program will prioritize slots for families with incomes below the Self-Sufficiency Standard.
In Oregon, the Prosperity Planner, a Self-Sufficiency Standard online counseling tool, is used by WorkSource Center staff to determine training scholarship awards and to support service needs of job seekers.
The Office of Forecasting, Research and Analysis for the State of Oregon uses the Standard to help model the impacts of tax policy.
The Portland Development Commission uses the Self-Sufficiency Standard as their bar to measure the number of “prosperous households” able to meet their basic needs in Portland, Oregon.
In the academic journal article “Communities of Concentrated Poverty: A Proposal for Oregon,” Sara A. Chopp proposes using the Standard as a measure for evaluating poverty “hot spots” in Oregon communities.
The Raise the Wage Oregon Campaign performed an analysis called Lifting the Floor: Self-Sufficiency Wages in Oregon uses the Standard to argue for a $13.50 statewide minimum wage.
In Portland, Oregan, the City of Portland uses the Self-Sufficiency Standard as one of their core “Measures of Success” in the Portland Plan in which they hope to reach 90% self-sufficiency, mainly through job training.